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For your Holidays

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The fortified village of Avacelli

The fortified village of Avacelli: Located at an altitude of 485 meters above sea level and in an area full of ditches and tributary streams of the Misa river its name (castrum Lavacellorum) derives from a possible "labes" landslide steep place or rather from "lavaclum" (lavacrum) bathroom s...(Read more)
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The fortified village of Castiglioni

The fortified village of Castiglioni: Castiglioni still retains a large part of its original defensive structure recently restored and dating back to the early fifteenth century consisting of the mighty bastion walls and the two access doors. The south gate was rebuilt in neoclassical forms. The ramparts of the...(Read more)
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The fortified village of Piticchio

The fortified village of Piticchio: The Fortified village of Piticchio dates back to the thirtheenth century but its ramparts were built in the fifteenth century and it is a part of the municipality of Arcevia in province of Ancona. The entrance arch to the castle should date back to the end of the nineteent...(Read more)
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The fortified village of Montale

The fortified castle of Montale: The fortified castle of Montale in province of Ancona built in 1200 manteins perfectly the medieval system closed inside the ramparts. It is located in a circular hillock at an altitude of 280 meters. The use of brick is dominant both for the internal constructions and ...(Read more)
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The fortified village of Caudino

The fortified village of Caudino: The fortified village of Caudino a district of Arcevia was built at the beginning of the fourteenth century conserves its original layout and its Medieval structure. [FOTOGALLERY:14008] In the center next to the ancient bell tower stands the church of Santo Stefano ...(Read more)
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The fortified village of Palazzo

The fortified village of Palazzo: dates back to 1300 and its ramparts is partially conserved. By observing it from a district of Arcevia Piticchio the visitor can notice its particular conformation that makes its look like a town of the nativity scene. [FOTOGALLERY:14009] Palazzo is one of the most ...(Read more)
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The fortified village of San Pietro in Musio

The fortified village of San Pietro in Musio: Distant almost 10 km from Arcevia its construction dates back to 1200and its ramparts to 1400. The church was unfortunately destructed during the Second World War in Marche and rebuilt on its original drawing. [FOTOGALLERY:14010] Inside it preserves a seven...(Read more)
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Arcevia and its territory

Arcevia a municipality situated in Marche is located in a 126 km² territory divided in 18 district of wich 9 are high-medieval age castles rich of Art and History wisely conserved. The territory of Arcevia in Province of Ancona before the 1200 turned out to be divided between various institutions includi...(Read more)
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The fortified village of Loretello

The fortified village of Loretello: The castle built on the territory of Arcevia in the eleventh century by the Friars Camaldolesi from Fonte Avellana. The access door is provided with a steep bridge from the opposite part of the entrance there is a majestic circular defensive tower used to control the surroun...(Read more)
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The fortified village of Nidastore

The fortified village of Nidastore: The castle dates back to 1200 and was property of the bishop of Fossombrone Municipality in Marche up until the fifteenth century. In 1431 according to tradition the castellans kill Count Raniero nephew of the bishop who wanted to exercise jus primae noctis on the girl...(Read more)
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Master Giuseppe Gigli

Arcevia 1955
He was born in Arcevia in Marche in 1955 and for almost 30 years he carries out with care enthusiasm and right recognitions the career of paintings restorer. In 2004 stops this activity to dedicate himself completely to his greatest passion: the painting “his” painting. Taking advantage of his long e...(Read more)
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Master Bruno d'Arcevia

Arcevia 1946
Bruno d'Arcevia (Bruno Bruni). Among the greatest artist of the second half of the italian twentieth century Bruno d'Arcevia has created with the critic G. Gatt the artistic trend of the New italian Manner. Between his artistic productions we recollect in 1978 the Venezuelan Prime Minister's portrait a...(Read more)
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Visit the Churches of Arcevia

Collegiate Church of St. Medardus: The Church takes the name of a relics of St. Medardus (French Saint) given to the community of Rocca Contrada (ancient name of Arcevia) from the emperor Charlemagne. Built in 1200 became a Collegiate in 1500 restored in1600. In XVIIth century the dome has been damaged b...(Read more)
Cover of the Arcevia State Archaeological Museum.

State Archeological Museum of Arcevia

St. Francis Monumental Complex
In 1996 near the St. Francis Monumental Complexil was inaugurated the State Archeological Museum thanks to the joined dedication of the Archeological Superintendence for Marche and of the municipal administration. Setted up restored and updated in the Historical Centre of Arcevia offers a representative documents...(Read more)
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