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EN visitarcevia en partner-arcevia 011


For your Holidays

visitarcevia en partner-arcevia 001

Aspassobike: power assisted bikes for the disabled in the Province of Ancona in Marche

Aspassobike comes by chance after a chat between two long time friends: Alberto and Luca. Luca lives in The Netherlands and tells Alberto about him seeing around some special bikes for the transportation of the disabled. Alberto's reaction is immediate: “we have to spread these beautiful means in Italy t...(continua a leggere)
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CARCEVIA Garage: mechatronics, car electrician and vulcanization in the Province of Ancona

Operating in the field of mechatronics and car diagnostic
Paolo Mancini and Davide Simonetti’s CARCEVIA Garage is situated in Via San Giovanni Battista 25. It is a garage in Arcevia in the Province of Ancona. It has been dealing with car and van assistance and repair for over 40 years. It represents an important point of reference for the motorists of the Territor...(continua a leggere)
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CIELLEPI: Silk–screen Printing, Pad Printing and Digital Graphic Studio in the province of Ancona

Supply of workwear, advertising wear and sportswear, from gadgets to commercial prints.
We started our silk-screen printing business in a space of about 80 square metres in May 1979. Technology in this field is still absent. We mostly print with few essential machinery largely non-automatic. [FOTOGALLERY:14088] With the passing of the years automotion in this field has made giant leaps forward. ...(continua a leggere)
Elegant hair salon for modern and classic cuts.

Unisex Hair–Salon Ori & C.: bride hairstyle, coiffure and bioperfumery in the Province of Ancona

Since the ancient Rome adorned and well-groomed hairstyles represented a social status. Today we are able to show you with few simple notions that our 50 years experience guides us in giving you the best in terms of classic and original hairstyles. [FOTOGALLERY:14411] We are Anna and Micaela and we are wai...(continua a leggere)
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Trionfetti Physiotherapeutic Studio: manual Lymphatic Drainage, Laser and Tecar therapy in the Province of Ancona

My name is Maria Julia Trionfetti and im a physiotherapist from 1999
In my job i meet people of every ages: grandparents who come to my office with their grandchildrens professional and occasional athlets boys and girls who had some traumas workers with a repetitive job that makes them stand for a long time in the same position. [FOTOGALLERY:14363] People with these different...(continua a leggere)
Logo with orange arrow and S.CO.RE. text.

S.Co.Re. in Arcevia: IT systems and 3D printing in the Province of Ancona

S.Co.Re. (S → Stampa 3D Co → Computer Re → Rendering Score → for Gaming) founded on 26th of October 2019 is a small young IT systems Company in the Marche region aimed at the individual customer and large companies with innovative technology solutions. [FOTOGALLERY:14040] It offers custom...(continua a leggere)
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Credits TITANKA! Spa